SCEDT26T7BD002819 |
Census, DeLoreans

VIN 02819

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TimestampLast 5 of VIN:Location Country:Location State/Region:Location City:VIN Page:Full VIN:Model Year:Build date:Odometer:Engine:Transmission:Engine / Transmission notes:Finish:Finish Condition:Finish Notes:Interior:Interior Condition:Interior notes:Console Clock:Radio:Exterior Graphics:Hood:Gas Flap:Hood emblem:Antenna:Wheel Casting:Wheel Color:Car storage:License Plate Number:License Plate State/Country:Registration Stickers:Overall Vehicle Status:Source:Source Notes:Date Last Seen:General Notes / Description:Owner Contact:Owner Website:Current Owner Club Affiliation:Current Owner Purchase Date:Owner gender:Owner age range:Purchased from:Purchase notes:Owner succession:Owner occupation:Miles / km driven per year:How often driven:Commonly Used Fuel:
2/14/2020 81Stock PRVAutomaticHad a turbo engine but was blown by previous ownerStainless SteelExcellentWas originally purchased by Kenny RogersBlackGoodYesOtherNoneGroovedYesNoFront-RightThin finsSilverGaraged / InsideMYTOY3USA / CAExcellentOwner2/14/2020This was handed down to me from my uncle who bought it from Kenny Rodgers. It's not for sale and wont be, but promising to take very good care of it.1/1/2020Female30-39OtherMy uncle3rd ownerAircraft mechanicCar Shows / Parades only91 octane