This list of DeLorean Parts & Service centers has been collected from DeLorean resources on the web. Businesses listed as “Service Centers” have been confirmed by DeLorean owners as being trustworthy.
If you buy parts or accessories, or have work done to your DeLorean from anyone on this list, and you’re not happy with the result, we highly suggest you contact them in writing to resolve the issue. If they do a good job – or a bad job – then write up reviews on their Facebook pages, or on Yelp, or to let other DeLorean owners know about your experience.
And, if there’s a DeLorean-related business missing from this list, submit it here and we’ll check it out. Thanks!
If you’re looking for Crossover Parts, check the DeLorean Crossover Parts List.
Name | State / Region | Country | Type |
Bauerle Automotive | Ohio | USA | Service |
Classic Coachworks | California | USA | Parts & Service |
DeLorean Auto Parts | Texas | USA | Parts & Service |
Delorean Europe B.V. | Nederland | The Netherlands | Parts & Service |
DeLorean Go | UK | Parts | |
DeLorean Parts & Service Northwest | Washington | USA | Parts & Service |
DeLorean Parts Northwest | Washington | USA | Parts |
DeLorean UK | Wiltshire | UK | Parts & Service |
Dietsch Werks | California | USA | Service |
DMC-Nord | Germany | Parts & Service | |
Eric's Repair | Minnesota | USA | Service |
European Auto Care | California | USA | Service |
Fremont Foreign Auto | California | USA | Service |
Kruse/Lucas Imports, Inc. | California | USA | Service |
North Star Automotive Technology | California | USA | Service |
Peninsula Auto Service | California | USA | Service |
PJ Grady | New York | USA | Parts & Service |
PJ Grady Europe | Essex | UK | Parts & Service |
San Diego Performance European | California | USA | Service |
Tom's Garage | New Jersey | USA | Service |
Wells Auto | Ontario | Canada | Parts & Service |
Wolfgang Hank | Augsburg | Deutschland | Service |
Wrench Works | California | USA | Service |