Timestamp | Last 5 of VIN: | Location Country: | Location State/Region: | Location City: | VIN Page: | Full VIN: | Model Year: | Build date: | Odometer: | Engine: | Transmission: | Engine / Transmission notes: | Finish: | Finish Condition: | Finish Notes: | Interior: | Interior Condition: | Interior notes: | Console Clock: | Radio: | Exterior Graphics: | Hood: | Gas Flap: | Hood emblem: | Antenna: | Wheel Casting: | Wheel Color: | Car storage: | License Plate Number: | License Plate State/Country: | Registration Stickers: | Overall Vehicle Status: | Source: | Source Notes: | Date Last Seen: | General Notes / Description: | Owner Contact: | Owner Website: | Current Owner Club Affiliation: | Current Owner Purchase Date: | Owner gender: | Owner age range: | Purchased from: | Purchase notes: | Owner succession: | Owner occupation: | Miles / km driven per year: | How often driven: | Commonly Used Fuel: |
11/14/2019 1:08:42 | 02626 | USA | California | Los Angeles | www.DeLoreanDirectory.com/deloreans/vin02626 | SCEDT26T7BD002626 | 1981 | 23,360 | Stock PRV | Automatic | Plastic overflow bottle | Stainless Steel | Bad | Accident damage on rear passenger panel; fascias are badly weather worn | Black | Bad | Badly cracked binnacle and dashboard; missing window buttons; destroy seat covers; | Yes | Craig | None | Grooved | Yes | No | Silver | Outdoors | Bad | Website | 11/23/2018 | Another overprice ($20,000,) badly damaged car sold by bhcc. Broken/damaged lower control arm on rear-passenger side; lots of damage. Restorable, but with a lot of time and money. Ad text: "1981 DeLorean DMC-12This very desirable 1981 DeLorean DMC-12 with 23,360 miles on the odometer is available in a stainless steel w grey interior. It comes with a clean CarFax and is equipped with an automatic transmission, air conditioning, and power windows. It ha same owner for many years. and has just come out of storage. It is also highly collectible. For $19,950" |
VIN 02626
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